ATTRACTING YOUNG PEOPLE TO THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR, developing a global strategy for their qualification and employability in the labour market.

What is the Pact4Youth Project?

The Pact4Youth project is composed of a consortium that works to increase the number of young people in the construction sector, promoting skills training and re-qualification to enable the development of a future-oriented professional career.

To achieve this goal, four training institutions and the four main employers’ organisations in the construction sector in Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Spain have come together to develop a long-term strategy to improve the attractiveness of the sector.

Main beneficiaries of the project are young people, construction companies and trainer providers and counsellors, and different actions are to be implemented for them. Keep on reading to know more!


What is the Pact for Skills?

The Pact for Skills is a European initiative, within the framework of the European Skills Agenda, to mobilise joint efforts among the main public and private stakeholders, with the aim of achieving quality investment in Vocational Education and Training (VET), targeting different productive ecosystems, including the construction industry.
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