Who are we?
Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (FLC)
Fundación Laboral de la Construcción works since 1992 to provide companies and employees the resources to be more professional, safe, qualified and with a more successful future ahead. Its goals are the prevention of occupational risks, training, employment, innovation, sustainability and new technologies.
Confederación Nacional de la Construcción (CNC)
The National Construction Confederation (CNC) is the main business organisation of the construction sector in Spain, bringing together the vast majority of companies in the sector. Constituted in 1977, its objective is to represent the sector before the public authorities and other national and international, public or private bodies.
U Studies
U-Studies, as part of the Unicert group, is a training provider dealing with the management, implementation and evaluation of educational programmes. It is focused on vocational training programmes in a large spectrum of sectors including construction.
PEDMEDE represents the Construction sector in Greece upon its establishment in 1935. It covers all the range of companies dealing with the construction of public works. PEDMEDE aims to ensure and promote its members’ interests and welfare in a national and regional level and is in close cooperation with public authorities, government representatives and key stakeholders representing the Construction sector.
FORMEDIL is the national joint body for training, safety and employment services, guaranteeing a training offer in every local context and for all needs, in a logic that tends to favour the continuous updating and constant professional growth of all the actors involved in the building production process.
Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili (ANCE)
ANCE was founded in 1946 and is the business association representing Italian companies of all sizes operating in the construction industry. ANCE promotes policies that combine the entrepreneurial skills of the construction sector with the interests and needs of civil society, aiming at economic, social and labour growth, energy-environmental sustainability and country well-being.
Kentro Ekpaideysis “O Oikodomos” (K.E.P.O. LTD)
K.E.P.O. is a training provider whose objectives are the attraction and basic training of young people in the construction sector, the provision of high standards of multi-company and single-company training programmes common and vital for the construction industry, as well as the certification of workers in Standard Vocational Qualifications.
Omospondia SyndesmonErgolavon Oikodomon Kyprou (OSEOK)
The Federation of Building Contractors Associations of Cyprus (OSEOK) is registered as an (employer’s) Trade Union and represents licensed contractors from all over Cyprus. Its mission is to Safeguarding, protecting and promoting the interests and pursuits of all professional Construction and Engineering Contractors; the guidance of the Contractors of Construction and Technical Projects; the cooperation with other professional bodies in Cyprus and abroad, to promote and protect the professional, financial and social interests of the Members.